Technical data

ENV - Set Environment 3-13
Network Auto Boot Controller
00 Specifies LUN of a disk/tape controller module
currently supported by the Bug. Default is $0.
Network Auto Boot Device LUN 00 Specifies LUN of a disk/tape device currently
supported by the Bug. Default is $0.
Network Auto Boot Abort Delay 5 The time in seconds that the Network Boot
sequence will delay before starting the boot.
The delay gives you the option of stopping the
boot by use of the Break key. The time span is
0-255 seconds.
Network Autoboot Configuration
Parameters Pointer (NVRAM)
00000000 The address where the network interface
configuration parameters are to be saved in
NVRAM; these are the parameters necessary
to perform an unattended network boot.
Memory Search Starting Address 00000000 Where the Bug begins to search for a work
page (a 64KB block of memory) to use for
vector table, stack, and variables. This must be
a multiple of the debugger work page, modulo
$10000 (64KB). In a multi-172 environment,
each MVME172LX board could be set to start
its work page at a unique address to allow
multiple debuggers to operate simultaneously.
Memory Search Ending Address 00100000 Top limit of the Bug’s search for a work page.
If no 64KB contiguous block of memory is
found in the range specified by Memory
Search Starting Address and Memory Search
Ending Address parameters, the bug will place
its work page in the onboard static RAM on the
MVME172LX. Default Memory Search
Ending Address is the calculated size of local
Table 3-3. ENV Command Parameters (Continued)
ENV Parameter and Options Default Meaning of Default