Technical data

3-18 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
172Bug Firmware
Master Starting Address #3 00000000 Base address of the VMEbus resource that is
accessible from the local bus. If enabled, the
value is calculated as one more than the
calculated size of memory. If not enabled, the
default is $00000000.
Master Ending Address #3 00000000 Ending address of the VMEbus resource that is
accessible from the local bus. If enabled, the
default is $00FFFFFF, otherwise $00000000.
Master Control #3 00 Defines the access characteristics for the
address space defined with this master address
decoder. If enabled, the default is $3D,
otherwise $00.
Master Enable #4 [Y/N] N Do not set up and enable Master Address
Decoder #4.
Master Starting Address #4 00000000 Base address of the VMEbus resource that is
accessible from the local bus. Default is $0.
Master Ending Address #4 00000000 Ending address of the VMEbus resource that is
accessible from the local bus. Default is $0.
Master Address Translation
Address #4
00000000 This register allows the VMEbus address and
the local address to differ. The value in this
register is the base address of the VMEbus
resource that is associated with the starting and
ending address selection from the previous
questions. Default is 0.
Master Address Translation Select
00000000 This register defines which bits of the address
are significant. A logical "1" indicates
significant address bits, logical "0" is non-
significant. Default is 0.
Master Control #4 00 Defines the access characteristics for the
address space defined with this master address
decoder. Default is $00.
Short I/O (VMEbus A16) Enable
Y Yes, Enable the Short I/O Address Decoder.
Short I/O (VMEbus A16) Control 01 Defines the access characteristics for the
address space defined with the Short I/O
address decoder. Default is $01.
Table 3-3. ENV Command Parameters (Continued)
ENV Parameter and Options Default Meaning of Default