Technical data

ENV - Set Environment 3-19
Configuring the IndustryPacks
ENV asks the following series of questions to set up IndustryPack modules
(IPs) on MVME172LXs.
The MVME172 VME Embedded Controller Programmer’s Reference
Guide describes the base addresses and the IP register settings. Refer to
that manual for information on setting base addresses and register bits.
F-Page (VMEbus A24) Enable
Y Yes, Enable the F-Page Address Decoder.
F-Page (VMEbus A24) Control 02 Defines the access characteristics for the
address space defined with the F-Page address
decoder. Default is $02.
ROM Access Time Code 04 Defines the ROM access time. The default is
$04, which sets an access time of five clock
cycles of the local bus.
Flash Access Time Code 03 Defines the Flash access time. The default is
$03, which sets an access time of four clock
cycles of the local bus.
MCC Vector Base
VMEC2 Vector Base #1
VMEC2 Vector Base #2
Base interrupt vector for the component
specified. Default: MC2chip = $05, VMEchip2
Vector 1 = $06, VMEchip2 Vector 2 = $07.
VMEC2 GCSR Group Base
D2 Specifies group address ($FFFFXX00) in Short
I/O for this board. Default = $D2.
VMEC2 GCSR Board Base
00 Specifies base address ($FFFFD2XX) in Short
I/O for this board. Default = $00.
VMEbus Global Time Out Code 01 Controls VMEbus timeout when the
MVME172LX is system controller. Default
$01 = 64 µs.
Local Bus Time Out Code 02 Controls local bus timeout. Default $02 = 256
VMEbus Access Time Out Code 02 Controls the local-bus-to-VMEbus access
timeout. Default $02 = 32 ms.
Table 3-3. ENV Command Parameters (Continued)
ENV Parameter and Options Default Meaning of Default