Technical data

3-2 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
PPCBug Firmware
A self-test at powerup feature which verifies the integrity of the
PPCBug consists of three parts:
A command-driven, user-interactive software debugger, described
in the PPCBug Firmware Package User’s Manual, listed in
Appendix C, Related Documentation (hereafter referred to as
“debugger” or “PPCBug”).
A command-driven diagnostics package for the MVME5100
hardware (hereafter referred to as “diagnostics”). The diagnostics
package is described in the PPCBug Diagnostics Manual, listed in
Appendix C, Related Documentation.
A user interface or debug/diagnostics monitor that accepts
commands from the system console terminal.
When using PPCBug, you operate out of either the debugger directory or
the diagnostic directory.
If you are in the debugger directory, the debugger prompt
PPC6-Bug> is displayed and you have all of the debugger
commands at your disposal.
If you are in the diagnostic directory, the diagnostic prompt
is displayed and you have all of the diagnostic
commands at your disposal as well as all of the debugger
Because PPCBug is command-driven, it performs its various operations in
response to user commands entered at the keyboard. When you enter a
command, PPCBug executes the command and the prompt reappears.
However, if you enter a command that causes execution of user target code
(for example, GO), then control may or may not return to PPCBug,
depending on the outcome of the user program.