
Hardware Setup
Chapter 2
Hardware Setup
Chapter 2
CPU & Cooler Installaton
When you are nstallng the CPU, make sure the CPU has a cooler attached on the top
to prevent overheatng. Meanwhle, do not forget to apply some thermal paste on CPU
before nstallng the heat snk/cooler fan for better heat dsperson.
Follow the steps below to nstall the CPU & cooler correctly. Wrong nstallaton wll
cause the damage of your CPU & manboard
If the CPU s correctly nstalled, the
pns should be completely embedded
nto the socket and can not be seen.
Please note that any volaton of the
correct nstallaton procedures may
cause permanent damages to your
3. Press the CPU down rmly nto the
socket and close the lever. As the
CPU s lkely to move whle the lever
s beng closed, always close the le-
ver wth your ngers pressng tghtly
on top of the CPU to make sure the
CPU s properly and completely em-
bedded nto the socket.
Pull the lever sdeways away from
the socket. Make sure to rase the
lever up to a 90-degree angle.
Look for the gold arrow of the CPU.
The gold arrow should pont as shown
n the pcture. The CPU can only t n
the correct orentaton.