Use and Care Manual

Glass Tile Care and Maintenance
Cleanser Consideration
Although as a general rule glass tiles are a very durable material, when in doubt as to what
types of cleansers are appropriate, always refer to the manufacture r'
s recommendations for the
types of tiles that you are using.
Cari ng For Glass Tile Gro ut
If your home features bathroom or kitchen glass tiles then you are going to want to care
for them
the best you can. Glass tiles don’t requi re complicated maintenance but they
definitely require
that you take care of them occasionally. U se these simple tips for easy
and effectiv e ways to care
for tile gro ut.
With smaller glass tiles and mo sai c tile patterns you may notice eventual problems with
gro ut. It may lose its whiteness. S tart fo rmi ng mo l d, or begin to crack. The mo re area in between
the tiles, the mo re likely this will be a concern. Always be sure to start
cleaning with the least
acidic solution. If efforts pro v e ineffective, then wo rk your way up
to the stro nge r cleaners.
Scrubbing with v inegar and baking soda in small circles should
remo v e residue. Once y o ure
done ri nse it with a sponge of warm water.
Never use bleach when you don’t have pure white gro ut because it will discolor it.
arent stro ng enough to clean effectively and metal bristles are too harsh
and will wear it. Find a
good me di um-strength brush or scrubbe r. Also, always use
protective gear like gloves and
goggles when wo rki ng with cleaning solutions and don’t
mix solutions. Always wipe clean the
area be fo re try i ng another metho d.
You should notice a considerable difference in the gro ut once y o u’re done. If there’s
erosion you
may need to re-apply in those spots. Enjoy a new-looking tile display .
Note - The suggestions mentioned above are for general practice. In case of a particular project, it is recommended that a
professional installer/fabricator/restorer is consulted. It is also recommend that cleaning solutions are tried in an isolated
area to chec k for desir e d resul t s. MSI disclaims any liability towa r d s the use of any care & maintenance prod uc t s .