Warranty Guide

Product: Mulia Tiles
Mulia Incorporated guarantees its le products to be free from manufacturing defects for a
period of 1 year aer the date of purchase. The warranty shall not include installaon,
workmanship, accessory materials, or condions of applicaons. The buyer's sole and
exclusive remedy against Mulia Incorporated shall be for the replacement, excluding
installaon, of defecve products, delivered to the original place of purchase. In no event
shall Mulia Incorporated be liable for any damages arising because of product failure,
whether incidental, special, consequenal or punive, regardless of the theory of liability
upon which any such damages are claimed. This warranty supersedes all prior warranes
and representaons for Mulia Incorporated's le products.
Variaons in shade, paern and size are natural features of ceramic / porcelain les and are
not considered as manufacturing defect. Final color selecon should be made from actual
le samples.
During the process of installaon, care should be exercised to ensure proper mixing of les
from different boxes in order to make the le appearance uniform. No claim aer the
installaon of the product will be honored.
Ph: 888-888-9099

Summary of content (1 pages)