- Multi-Tech Broadband Router User Guide

Chapter 5 – RouteFinder Manager
RouteFinder RF500S User Guide 83
Modem String Settings
Select Modem
For most analog modems, the Standard Modem selection will work. However, you can click
the button at the end of the field for a list of modems and their manufactures from which
to select your modem. For additional information, refer to the Modem Settings information
presented in the Software Installation and Configuration chapter of this User Guide.
Initial String
The most important modem string is the initialization string because your network device
uses it to establish communications with your modem or ISDN TA. The modem
initialization string displayed is the modem or ISDN TA initialization string entered in the
Setup Wizard.
Important: There is no standard ISDN TA initialization string. If your ISDN TA is not
included in the modem list, check your ISDN TA User’s Guide for information for the
initialization string for an Asynchronous to Synchronous PPP connection. If you are using
only one channel of your ISDN connection, you can enter the Async to Sync PPP
initialization string. If you are bundling your connection channels, you’ll need to use a
Multilink-PPP initialization string. You must also enter the two phone numbers in the
Telephone Number field of the General Settings screen. Also, verify that your ISDN TA
supports the dial-up string ATDT. Most ISDN TAs support ATDT, but some support ATD or
Every ISP has a unique login interface screen. Check with your ISP to determine how your
ISP requests information from you when using a PPP connection.
Note: You can create a simple dial-up connection to view your ISP interface log-in screen
using Dial-Up Networking in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT or 2000.
Some Common Commands Are:
Send and SH Function
Send “ATZ” Resets the Modem
Send “ATDT 888-1234” Dials the phone number “888-1234”
Send “JaneDoe” Types “JaneDoe” at the ISP interface
SH “1234” Types “1234” at the ISP interface but displays **** on the RouteFinder
monitor to hide the password.
Send “ Sends Enter (carriage return plus line feed) to the ISP
Wait Function
Wait 5 The Modem will wait for 5 seconds before moving the next line in the
login script.
The Modem will wait for CONNECT to display before moving to the
next command.
Wait “CONNECT 6” Modem will wait for “CONNECT” to display before moving to the next
command. If CONNECT does not display, the modem will go to line 6
of the login script.
Other Function
Go Begins PPP
Jump4 Goes back to line 4 of the login script.
Hangup Hangs up the modem.