User`s guide

Page 122
9.7.10 Job in MSGW
This screen is displayed after selecting a MSGW checkpoint for update or
GSM2803 Monitor system operations 12-02-01 12.00.00
Type values and press Enter
Checkpoint type . . . . . . . *MSGW
Description . . . . . . . . . Jobs in MSGW__________________
Schedule number . . . . . . . 1 F4=List
Operational message receiver . *SYS______
Check cycles bypass value . .
F12=Cancel F11=Job name filter
MSGW checkpoint details
Checkpoint Description
Descriptive text of the checkpoint.
Schedule number
Number of the schedule that controls when this checkpoint will run.
Operational message receiver
Name of the user or distribution group that shall receive messages created
by this checkpoint. Value *SYS directs those messages to the user specified
when using the main menu item 10 for this system.
Check cycle bypass value
This field controls if the checkpoint shall run every time the monitor
operations program runs. In order to save system resources it might be
desirable to bypass some check cycles. The value controls how many cycles
in a row to be bypassed before the checkpoint is run again.
For the *MSGW checkpoint the default is 0, the checkpoint runs every cycle.
F11=Job name filter
Go to job name filter screen.