
Chapter 10. Case Studies
MESSAGETYPE_EMAIL Type of message: e-mail
MESSAGETYPE_SMS Type of message: SMS
MESSAGETYPE_UNDEFINED Type of message: undefined (invalid)
MESSAGEDIRECTION_IN Direction of message: incoming
MESSAGEDIRECTION_OUT Direction of message: outgoing
MESSAGEDIRECTION_UNDEFINED Undefined message direction (invalid)
MESSAGESTATUS_IN_NOTPROCESSED Status of message: successfully received, not
processed yet
MESSAGESTATUS_IN_PROCESSED Status of message: successfully received, processed
MESSAGESTATUS_IN_PROCESSINGFAILURE Status of message: successfully received, but
failed to process
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_ACKEXP Status of message: sent out, but not acknowledged
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_ACKRECEIVED Status of message: sent out and delivered
(acknowledgement received)
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_DELIVEREDWAITING Status of message: sent out but still waiting for
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_GENERICFAILURE Status of message: send failed, reason not
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_NACK Status of message: sent out but not delivered; a
negative acknowledge was received
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_NOACKREQ Status of message: sent out and probably delivered
(no acknowledgement requested)
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_PENDING Status of message: message pickup up by SMS
Messaging Server, and will be sent out soon
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_SCHEDULED Status of message: message scheduled (not ready for
sending yet)
MESSAGESTATUS_OUT_UNDEFINED Status of message: undefined
' Sample: print some constants
Set objConstants = CreateObject( "AxSmsServer.Constants" )
WScript.Echo objConstants.MESSAGEDIRECTION_IN
WScript.Echo objConstants.MESSAGEDIRECTION_OUT
9.3. ‘Messages’ collection object
Property Type R/W Description
LastError Number R Completion code of the last called function
Function Parameters Description
Count Filter (String) Count the number of messages in the
Message Database. You can apply a
filter. When an empty string is passed
as filter, no filter is applied
Create None Create a new message in the Message