
Chapter 10. Case Studies
FindNextGsmModem None Find the next GSM Modem Channel
FindFirstSmpp Filter (String) Find the first SMPP Channel in the database.
Optionally specify a filter (SQL-like
FindNextSmpp None Find the next SMPP Channel
FindFirstPop3 Filter (String) Find the first POP2 Channel in the database.
Optionally specify a filter (SQL-like
FindNextPop3 None Find the next POP3 Channel
FindFirstSmtp Filter (String) Find the first SMTP Channel in the database.
Optionally specify a filter (SQL-like
FindNextSmtp None Find the next Smtp Channel
' Sample: showing all POP3 channels in the configration database
Option Explicit
Dim colChannels, objChannel
Set colChannels = CreateObject( "AxSmsServer.Channels" )
Set objChannel = colChannels.FindFirstPop3( "" )
While colChannels.LastError = 0
PrintPop3Channel( objChannel )
Set objChannel = colChannels.FindNextPop3
Sub PrintPop3Channel( objChannel )
WScript.Echo "POP3 CHANNEL, ID: " & objChannel.ID
WScript.Echo " Description: " & objChannel.Description
WScript.Echo " Enabled: " & objChannel.Enabled
' Print any other POP3 Channel property
End Sub
' Sample: iterate over all enabled GSM Modem Channels
Option Explicit
Dim colChannels, objChannel
Set colChannels = CreateObject( "AxSmsServer.Channels" )
Set objChannel = colChannels.FindFirstGsmModem( "Enabled <> 0" )
While colChannels.LastError = 0
Set objChannel = colChannels.FindNextGsmModem
9.7. ‘GsmModemChannel’ object
Property Type R/W Description
ID Number R Database record key
Description String RW GSM Modem’s friendly name
Enabled Boolean RW Specifies if device is enabled or not. By