
Chapter 10. Case Studies
Delete ChannelID (Number) Remove a POP3 Channel from the configuration
' Load a POP3 Channel, change some properties and save it
Set objChannel = CreateObject( "AxSmsServer.Pop3Channel" )
objChannel.Load( 3001 )
WScript.Echo "Load, result: " & objChannel.LastError
If( objChannel.LastError = 0 ) Then
objChannel.Host = "pop3.myserver.com"
WScript.Echo "Save, result: " & objChannel.LastError
End If
9.10. ‘SmtpChannel’ object
Property Type R/W Description
ID Number R Database record key
Description String RW POP3 server’s friendly name
Enabled Boolean RW Specifies if device is enabled or not. By
disabling a channel, SMS Messaging Server
will not be able to send e-mail messages on
this channel
Host String RW Host name or IP address of the POP3 server
UseLogin Boolean RW To indicate that authentication is required
on the SMTP server
Account String RW Account used to logon to the SMTP server
Password String RW Password used to logon to the SMTP server
FromName String RW Specifies the sender’s friendly name
FromAddress String RW Specifies the sender e-mail address
MaxMessageSizeKB Number RW Messages larger than MaxMessageSizeKB will
be sent out completely, but will be
truncated in the Message Database
LastError Number R Completion code of the last called function
Function Parameter(s) Description
Clear None Clear all properties
Create None Create a new SMTPchannel
Load ChannelID (Number) Load SMTP Channel from the configuration
database into the object
Save None Save SMTP Channel properties into the
configuration database
Delete ChannelID (Number) Remove a SMTP Channel from the configuration