
Chapter 10. Case Studies
Sub PrintTrigger( objTrigger )
WScript.Echo "TRIGGER ID: " & objScript.ID
WScript.Echo " Enabled: " & objScript.Enabled
WScript.Echo " ProcessingOrder: " & objScript.ProcessingOrder
WScript.Echo " Description: " & objScript.Description
WScript.Echo " Condition: " & objScript.Condition
WScript.Echo " Script: " & objScript.Script
End Sub
9.12. ‘Trigger’ object
Property Type R/W Description
ID Number R Database record key
Description String RW Trigger’s friendly name
Enabled Boolean RW Specifies if triggered is enabled or not.
ProcessingOrder Number RW Trigger priority. Value must be in range
[1..99]. The Trigger with the highest
priority will be evaluated first.
Condition String RW Indicates and SQL-like condition. If the
condition is matched, the script will be
LastError Number R Completion code of the last called function
Function Parameter(s) Description
Clear None Clear all properties
Load TriggerID (Number) Load Trigger from the configuration database
into the object
Save None Save Trigger properties into the
configuration database
Delete ChannelID (Number) Remove a Trigger from the configuration
' Load a Trigger, change some properties and save it
Set objTrigger = CreateObject( "AxSmsServer.Trigger" )
objTrigger.Load( 1 ) ' Load Trigger 1
WScript.Echo "Load, result: " & objTrigger.LastError
If(objTrigger.LastError = 0 ) Then
objTrigger.Description = "new description"