
Chapter 3. SMS Messaging Server design
A Channel is a communication device or a communication protocol. You can define a
‘Channel’ for each GSM Modem, SMPP provider, POP3 connection and SMTP connection.
These Channels are stored in the Configuration Database. The SMS Messaging Server service
reads the Channel configuration from the Configuration Database and controls each Channel by
a separate process (also called ‘thread’).
The SMS Messaging Server Manager enables you to change the Configuration Database.
Using this Manager application, you can create new Channels, modify existing Channels, delete
Channels and modify general options. This Manager application can also be used to view
Messages and define Filters on the Message database.
SMS Messaging Server is shipped with a selection of ActiveX/COM objects to manage the
Configuration Database and the Message Database. This way, Administrators can fully
customize the User Interface of the product; it also enables them to generate new messages
themselves from a script or a custom application.
The configuration database includes information about the channels (GSM channels, SMPP
channels, POP3 channels and SMTP channels) as well as information about.
Messages are also stored in an OLE/DB compliant, central database. By default, SMS
Messaging Server is shipped with an MS Access message database (Messages.mdb).
3.2. Channels
A ‘Channel’ is a communication device or a communication protocol. Messages are sent and
received by such a Channel. You can define ‘Channels’ for each of the following
GSM Modem
SMPP compliant SMSC provider
POP3 server
SMTP server
The properties of a channel depend on the type of channel.
You can define a ‘Channel’ for each GSM Modem, SMPP provider, POP3 connection and
SMTP connection. These channels are stored in the Configuration Database. The SMS
Messaging Server service reads the Channel configuration from the Configuration Database and
controls each Channel by a separate process (also called ‘thread’).
3.3. Triggers
Triggers are defined to process incoming messages.
Each trigger is a set that includes a condition and an associated script. The condition is an SQL-
like condition that selects a set of unprocessed, incoming messages.
As soon as a new message is received through one of the channels, the status of the message is
set to ‘Not Processed’. The SMS Messaging Server regularly (by default: once every 5 seconds)