
Chapter 3. SMS Messaging Server design
checks if there is any unprocessed messages. As soon as there’s an unprocessed message, it will
trigger all scripts that match a predefined condition.
Let’s demonstrate this with a small sample:
A system is running ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server. It has several projects running
simultaneously; one of the projects is a workflow system, where 3 pre-defined persons
(+4400000001, +4400000002 and +4400000003) can enter their workflow through SMS.
At the same time, the system is able to accept messages from anybody else, to query the product
database. To verify validity of the product database query, the keyword 'PRODUCT' is required,
otherwise an error message is replied to the sender.
The Trigger-configuration is shown in the following table:
Condition Script
Sender = '+4400000001' OR
Sender = '+4400000002' OR
Sender = '+4400000003'
Body LIKE '%PRODUCT%' Projects\ProductInfo\Triggers\ProductInfo.vbs
ANY Projects\Triggers\UnknownMessage.vbs
In the above table, the WorkFlow.vbs will be called if the sender’s mobile number matches
either ‘+4400000001’, ‘+4400000002’ or ‘+4400000003’.
Let’s assume that the sender’s number equals ‘+4400000001’. WorkFlow.vbs sets the status of
the message to ‘Processed’ and will create a reply in the message database (Saying ‘Thank you
for the workflow’).
The other scripts will not be triggered, because WorkFlow.vb has set the status to ‘Processed’.
If the sender’s number does not match ‘+4400000001’, ‘+4400000002’ or ‘+4400000003’, the
server will check if the string ‘Product’ can be matched against the message body. If so, it will
call ProductInfo.vbs. If not, it will call UnknownMessage.vbs.