
Appendix A – Application Programming Interface (API)
MultiModem® iSMS System Administrator’s Guide 78
HTTP Send API Format
Each "HTTP Send API Request" consists has four parts:
The first part is the destination, that is, the MultiModem iSMS IP and HTTP port number.
The second part is the API call which is the query; therefore, it has a '?' post-fixed to the call.
The third part is for authentication, which is in the form of a username and password.
The fourth part is the message parameters.
Where: portnumber is optional.
modem is optional
user1, puser1, 7634567765 and message are variables / configured parameters.
Note: The MultiModem iSMS can be accessed ONLY from the preconfigured allowed networks.
Example: To access the MultiModem iSMS from, you MUST add the network to
the following MultiModem iSMS window: Admin Access >> Allowed Networks
When HTTP Send API is enabled, it is also possible to send SMS from a non-browser with a TCP connection to the
configured HTTP Port by following the steps below:
Initiate a raw TCP connection to the MultiModem iSMS IP address over the "HTTP Send API" port
Example : telnet 81
Issue GET command to send SMS.
Issue GET command to query the status of send SMS.
Send API Format
Query API Format
GET /querymsg?user=admin&passwd=admin&apimsgid=message id.^M^J
Note: All special characters must be given in URL encoded format with hex value. For example give space as %20; double
quotes as %22.
Example: If a name is Graham Bell, give it as Graham%20Bell