
Appendix A – Application Programming Interface (API)
91 MultiModem® iSMS System Administrator’s Guide
HTTP Query API Format
Processing the "Send API" and sending the message takes some time. So, only an apimsgid is returned as a response to
the "Send SMS API". Query API can be used to query the status of a Send. It returns the status of a message submitted
HTTP API format is:[:portnumber]/querymsg?user=xxx&passwd=xxx&apimsgid
Response values:
ID: apimsgid Status: status code
ID: apimsgid Err: error code
Err: error code
ID: 1 Status: Done
ID: 1 Err: 604
Err: 602
Note: The maximum supported size of the URL is 2048 bytes.
Status Codes
Status Code Status Description Description
Done The MultiModem iSMS has completed servicing the "Send"
job. The message has been successfully sent to the cellular
network for delivery to all intended recipients.
Done with error The MultiModem iSMS has completed servicing the "Send"
job, but the message is not sent to all the recipients
2 In progress The MultiModem iSMS is processing the "Send" API.
3 Request Received The MultiModem iSMS has received the "Send" request.
Error Error occurred while sending the SMS from the
MultiModem iSMS.
5 Message ID Not Found An API Message ID does not exist.
6 Distributed to Slave1
The Master MultiModem iSMS has distributed the Job to a
given slave.
7 Distribution resulted in
Master tried to send the job to the slaves and could not
send the job to any of the slaves as the slaves are not
available (loaded full or network unreachable)
8 Distributed among many
The Master MultiModem iSMS has distributed the Job
Request among many slaves.
9 API is canceled Reflects that API job is dropped if the Send API
ob is
canceled from the web interface