Technical data

6. Mai 1992 @ 12:49 Uhr
3 Connections
MS-8 PROGRAM Amp-channel Distortion-pedal Reverb Send MIDI
1 Clean OFF ON PRG.Nº.: 30
2 Clean ON OFF PRG.Nº.: 92
3 Overdrive OFF OFF PRG.Nº.: 12
128 . . . . etc.
Example for possible connections: All units can be connected and
controlled by the MS-8 at the same time.
You can control with the MS-8:
- up to 8 units which have conventional switching
+ 1 Fender amp with up to 4 switching functions
+ up to 5 MIDI units with selectable MIDI TRANSMIT CHANNELS (1-16)
You can control the MS-8:
by the 4 FUNCTION KEYS (F1-F4) on the front panel
- by inexpensive standard momentary footswitches
- by incoming MIDI signals
- by the optional RC-8 Remote Controller
You can create up to 128 user PROGRAMS.
Each PROGRAM is a combination of pre-selected switch settings.
For example:
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