user manual

Page 32
This is a gun shooting game where players press on a foot pedal to hide behind an
object to avoid an enemy attack, then release the pedal to get out from behind the
object and attack the enemy.
1. Step on the pedal = Attack position. In this position you can shoot the
enemy. You are also subject to an attack.
2. Release the pedal = Defence position. In this position you are hidden behind
an object and cannot be hit by the enemy. Releasing the
pedal also reloads the gun.
1. Linked play mode: This mode is for two player co-operative play. If selected
by a single player an additional player can join the game
after it has started.
2. Solo play mode: This mode is for a single player only. No one can join the
game once it has started.
* Modes are selected on the Mode Selection Screen at the start of the game.
1. Every time you are hit by the enemy you lose a life. You also lose a life if the time
period for that scene reaches zero. The time period is restored at the start of a
new life or when the scene has been completed. The game is over when all lives
are lost.
2. A player’s achievement is assessed by score at the end of the game. The higher
the score, the higher the achievement. There are four types of weapons. The
amount of ammunition available for each weapon is limited, except for the hand
gun. When the ammunition for a particular weapon runs out the weapon can no
longer be used. By hitting certain characters, ammunition can be replenished.
Demonstration video clips between games can be skipped by aiming and shooting the
gun at the screen.