
Executive 4 Piece Toolset
Pizza Lovers Starter Kit
Stainless Steel 3 Piece Toolset
Stainless Steel Grilling Wok
Flexible Spatula
Meat Lovers Starter Kit
Visit to see Napoleon’s
complete line of grilling accessories.
Rotisserie Cooking Rotisserie cooking allows the food
to self-baste, sealing in the juices while browning the outside
surface. Use the rotisserie method of cooking for large cuts of meat
like roasts, poultry or legs of lamb. There are so many advantages to
rotisserie cooking. Meats are generally juicier, self-basted and slow
roasted. You can use the rotisserie method if your grill comes with a
rear rotisserie burner, which requires much less attention than any
other cooking method. The rotisserie burner is a nice feature because
it automatically sets you up for direct, even heating.
Infrared Bottom Burner Cooking Do you want
to make the perfect steak? The intense 1800º heat instantly sears
the meat, locking in the juices. Larger cuts of meat may be moved to
the side of the grill to continue cooking.
Smoking Place wet wood chips into the smoker tube and
place over the left burner, then turn the burner on. Place your meat
over the right burner, but do not turn on that burner. You are using
the indirect cooking method. Smoke the meat for several hours under
a closed lid. To achieve maximum flavor, fresh wood chips may be
added several times during the cooking process.
Direct Cooking This method of cooking utilizes all burners,
cooking the food directly above the flame "GRILLING" style, for
searing steaks, other meats or vegetables. Keeping the lid down
reduces the cooking time and cooks through to the center faster than
with the lid up. Anything that is less than two inches in thickness
should be cooked by direct grilling. These are things that generally
cook quickly and benefit from the fast cooking of a hot grill. Front
to back burners were designed for precise heat control, allowing for
independent use of each cooking zone.
Indirect Cooking Indirect grilling is similar to baking.
The food is placed above the unlit burner instead of directly over the
flame. This can be achieved by only igniting some of the burners –
light one side on high and cook the food on the other. The food will
cook more evenly as it is not exposed to direct heat from the burners.
This is an excellent way to cook tough cuts of meat, like brisket
and ribs, that require long, slow cooking at a low or moderate heat.
Indirect grilling allows you to work over a more moderate temperature
(275° to 350°) and makes it easy to introduce a smoker pipe for extra
flavor. For chicken, game, turkey, roasts, ham, vegetables, bread or
combinations, the indirect cooking method gives great results every
time. There is little need to turn the food. You can place the food
directly on the grids or in a cooking pan.
Charcoal Cooking Unique to Napoleon! Optional charcoal
trays give you the freedom to switch from gas to charcoal with
relative ease. With charcoal you can utilize indirect cooking as well
as direct cooking.