User Manual

The User Content folder can neither be renamed nor removed from the list. You can modify its
path in the Location column.
Standard User Directory Cannot Be Removed
The Standard User Directory can neither be renamed nor removed from the list in the User
pane of the Library page in the Preferences panel. You can modify its path in the Location col-
Cancelling Library Rescan
In the Library page of the Preferences panel, the Rescan button allows you to rescan the se-
lected library (or all your libraries if none is selected) so that the MASCHINE Browser mirrors
any changes you have made to the files. Clicking this Rescan button triggers the scan and an
Updating Database dialog shows you the progress of the scan.
The Updating Database dialog includes a CANCEL button allowing you to interrupt the scan-
ning process without harming the database permanently:
The Updating Database dialog now includes a Cancel button.
Basic Concepts
MASCHINE - Manual - 87