User Manual

Table Of Contents
The Missing Sample dialog allows you to locate missing Samples.
Sounds referencing missing Samples are marked with an exclamation mark. Additionally, their
Groups are also marked with an exclamation mark when selected.
The Missing Sample dialog shows you which Sample cannot be found. Three buttons at the
bottom of the dialog let you choose between following actions:
IGNORE: Click this button to continue loading your Project without locating the missing
Sample. You will be able to locate it at a later time (see below).
IGNORE ALL: Click this button to ignore the missing Sample as well as all other missing
Samples, if any. You will be able to locate them at a later time (see below).
LOCATE: Clicking this button opens a Locate selection dialog in which you can manually
locate the missing Sample. Navigate to the desired Sample in your file system and click
Open. Consequently, your Project uses the newly selected Sample in place of the missing
one. If other Samples are missing, MASCHINE tries to trace their path starting from the
path you just indicated.
Locating or Purging Missing Samples at a Later Time
When Sample references cannot be resolved, two additional Purge Missing Samples and Find
Missing Samples appear in the context menu of the affected Sound(s) in the Sound List.
Locating Missing Samples
MASCHINE STUDIO - Manual - 128