User Manual

Table Of Contents
Monitoring the Input Signal
Visually controlling the input signal.
The level meters above the RECORDING section show you at any time the level of the selected
audio source. For example, this can come in handy to adjust the appropriate threshold in De-
tect mode. For this purpose, in Detect mode the level meters provide a little down-pointing ar-
row indicating the threshold level.
Prelistening to the input signal.
Furthermore, If you have selected an external signal (EXT. STER. or EXT. MONO selected in SOURCE),
an additional MONITOR section is available by pressing the Right Page button. In this section,
using Knob 1 you can set MONITOR to ON in order to send the input signal to the Cue bus of
MASCHINE, allowing you to hear on a separate channel (e.g., your headphones) the audio
source that is about to be recorded.
Sampling and Sample Mapping
Recording a Sample
MASCHINE STUDIO - Manual - 640