User Manual

Table Of Contents
recording (software) [633]
slicing (software) [662]
Sampling mode (controller) [632]
Saturator [578]
Group [160]
Group with Samples [167]
Plug-in preset [218]
Project with Samples [168]
Sound [148]
Scene [582]
arranging (software) [584]
clearing (software) [618]
color [616]
copying and pasting (controller) [620]
creating (controller) [609]
creating (software) [606]
definition [719]
deleting (controller) [611]
deleting (software) [610]
duplicating (controller) [619]
duplicating (software) [618]
inserting (controller) [609]
inserting (software) [608]
introduction [29]
jumping to another [626]
moving (controller) [617]
moving (software) [617]
naming [614]
pasting (controller) [620]
Retrigger [626]
selecting (controller) [605]
selecting (software) [601]
selecting a Loop Range [621]
transitions [626]
triggering via MIDI [629]
Scene Arrange mode (controller) [598]
Scene bank
creating (controller) [613]
creating (software) [612]
deleting (controller) [613]
deleting (software) [612]
selecting (controller) [605]
selecting (software) [601]
SCENE button [600]
Scene Manager [596]
Scene mode (controller) [600]
Search field [87]
Search results [102]
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