User Manual

Press PLAY and the Scene plays all the selected Patterns at once. Once you are satisfied
continue to build more ideas Scene by Scene. You can also add more Groups with differ-
ent Instruments to create more variation.
8.2 Triggering Scenes and Patterns
Using the Patterns you created while following the previous chapters, namely a drum kit
Group, a bass Group, lead Group, and you can use Scenes to improvise a structured song. Be-
gin by triggering each Scene button to try out different combinations.
Triggering Scenes
To trigger a Scene:
1. Press the SONG button so it is unlit.
Ideas view is now active and you have an overview of your Scenes (1-8), Patterns, and
Groups (A-H)
2. Press the Scene buttons labelled 1-8 situated at the top of MASCHINE JAM. If your
Project contains more than eight Scenes, press SHIFT + Scene button (1-8) to access a
Scene bank.
Creating Scenes
Triggering Scenes and Patterns
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