Operation Manual

IP Output Rate: this indicator reports the average transfer rate into the server, in
bits/second, averaged over the last segment.
Segments Transferred: this indicator reports the number of bitstream segments
successfully transferred so far.
HTTP Dropped Segments: this indicator reports the number of segments dropped. A
segment will be dropped if the previous segment has not been completely transferred
when it becomes ready. A non-zero count here indicates that there is a performance
problem between the encoder and the server either in the network (not enough
bandwidth) or in the server (not enough CPU power/disk bandwidth). If the segment size
is small (3 seconds or less), increasing the segment size may improve the situation.
HTTP Transfer Errors: this indicator reports the number of errors encountered while
transferring segments. These may be network errors, or may be configuration errors.
The exact error description will be shown in the configuration area, in the area on top of
the Apply button. One example is shown below, where the server is not responding
(incorrect IP address).