Operation Manual

Chapter 10: Niagara SCX and SimulStream
76 ViewCast
Select the output on the Output tab.
NOTE: RealProducer requires two output settings. Is the output a
live broadcast, being saved for future use, or both?
On the second Output tab, establish the target audience.
Windows Media Encoder has only one output tab. It contains
both the target audience and information for saving the video
to a file.
If required, enter the author and copyright information on the Author Info tab
under the Streaming Options for the encoder.
To view a preview of the video, click the View tab under the Streaming
NOTE: Steps 7 and 8 are optional.
Click Start on the Operations tab to begin encoding.
To view the statistics for the encoding session, click Streaming Options.
Select the various tabs to see information about the encoding session.
WARNING! If you enable or disable SimulStream after you save an encoder profile could disable
the profile you saved.
For instance, if you save a profile using Capture Device 1, then enable SimulStream, SCX no longer
recognizes Capture Device 1 but sees Capture Device(s) 1.n instead.
You see a red X designating a non-recognized capture device by that profile and must reselect your
input device to Capture Device 1.n to clear the red X and use the profile.
From a practical point of view, filters have two interrelated purposes:
1. They allow applications to enumerate and list DirectShow video capture and preview
pins or streams (each with different settings) as named entries in their video device
select list.
You can set up the driver to show 1 to 10 filters per device.
Each filter has one preview pin and one capture pin.
Standard applications can access a particular filter without any custom
programming specialized for Osprey devices.