Operation Manual

Chapter 10: Niagara SCX and SimulStream
78 ViewCast
Show N Filters per Device
With the Show N filters per device control (Figure 100) you can set up the driver to expose 1 to
10 filters per device for applications to specify and select. If, for example, you choose 4 filters
per device, device lists in applications show four entries for the current device. For device 1, the
system designates them as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4.
Figure 100. Show Filters per Device Option
This global setting affects all the Osprey-2XX, -300, -440 or -530/540/560 devices as a group.
IMPORTANT! When you apply this change, a message box prompts you to restart the system.
You must do this. The number of filters you request do not display or work correctly until
you restart the system.
While it is possible to expose and specify up to 10 filters per device, the practical number of
working filters equates to less than this. The practical number of filters depends on:
Capability of the system
Types of filtering turned on in the driver
Types of scaling and color format conversions requested in the driver
Type of processing the downstream application performs
When you directly render video to the window, the video format and type of renderer used can
make a major difference in system performance and in the number of possible streams. If
multiple capture devices exist in the system, the number of filters equals the total across all the
devices. In addition, some types of processing, such as de-interlacing and gamma correction,
performed once per device may occur multiple times. A high-end, multi-core, or multiprocessor,
system can support 5, 6, or more concurrent filters on one device if the processing per filter
remains light; but only 2 or 3 if the processing loads inside or outside of the driver becomes
particularly heavy.
Allow Multiple Instances of Each Filter
This control enables you to run multiple application instances on one device that does not have
device select controls.
ViewCast recommends that you do not allow multiple instances of each filter unless you have a
specific need for it. Turning it on affects some of the above description. Specifically, you cannot
keep crop, watermark, and caption settings separately for applications sharing a filter, and