User Guide

388 Chapter 9 Customizing the portal and user logon
Table 75 lists the regular expressions and escape sequences you can use in an
Exclude List entry. The set of allowable regular expressions is a subset of the set
found in egrep and in the AWK programming language. The escape sequences are
allowed in Erlang strings.
Table 75
Allowed regular expressions and escape sequences
String Usage
c Matches the non-metacharacter c.
\c Matches the literal character c (see escape sequence).
. Matches any character.
^ Matches the beginning of a string.
$ Matches the end of a string.
[abc...] Character class, which matches any of the characters abc....
Character ranges are specified by a pair of characters separated by a
hyphen (-).
[^abc...] Negated character class, which matches any character except abc....
r1|r2 Alternation — matches either r1 or r2.
r1r2 Concatenation — matches r1 and then r2.
r+ Matches one or more r’s.
r* Matches zero or more r’s.
r? Matches zero or one r’s.
(r) Grouping — matches r.
Escape sequences
\b backspace
\f form feed
\n newline (line feed)
\r carriage return
\t tab
\e escape
\v vertical tab
\s space
\d delete