Replacement Part List

Clean It Monthly
Stains and Spills: If a new spill occurs (and
lets face it, it will!) use a dry cloth to blot
the excess that’s on top of the rug. Make
sure not to rub with the cloth to prevent
pushing the substance further in to the
fibers. If it is a large spill, you can use your
garden hose to thoroughly rinse the rug.
If you choose this method, make sure to
place the rug where it will have direct
sunlight to completely dry the outdoor
Area rugs attract a lot of dirt,
especially if they are outside. To clean
yours easily, mix a solution of dish soap
and water in a bucket. Then, scrub the
rug using a large nylon brush. Make
sure to clean both sides of the rug to
get all the dirt off. After you've
scrubbed it, rinse the rug with a hose.
It's best to rinse the rug on a sloped
surface, like your driveway, so the
water can drain away.
Vacuum: To keep your outdoor rug
looking its best, regular vacuuming is
key. Vacuuming the rug will keep dirt
from settling into the fibers and limits
the ability for mold to grow. Mold
cannot grow on synthetic rugs but it
can grow on the dirt within the rug