User Manual

Chorus EQ
Displayed as: LoPass HiPass
Initial values: 90 and 2
Range of adjustment: 0 to 127 0 to 127
The LoPass and HiPass parameters adjust simple HF and LF filters within the Chorus
processor. Adjusting these will enhance or mask some of the additional harmonics added
to the sound by the Chorus effect.
Delay pages:
DelaySync 4th T h
LP Damp 85
HP Damp 0
L/R Ratio 1/1 h
SlewRate 32
Width 127
Delay Sync
Displayed as: DelaySync
Initial value: 4th T
Range of adjustment: See table at page 36 for full details
Delay time may synchronised to the internal or external MIDI clock, using a wide variety of
tempo dividers/multipliers to produce delays from about 5 ms to 1 second.
The value of DelaySync is also displayed while the front panel Time control
being adjusted, when Sync
is set On.
Be aware that the total delay time available is finite. Using large tempo
divisions at a very slow tempo rate may exceed the delay time limit.
Displayed as: LP Damp HP Damp
Initial values: 85 and 0
Range of adjustment: 0 to 127 0 to 127
Echoes produced acoustically by reflections in physical spaces decay at different rates
at different frequencies, depending on the type of surface producing the reflection. The
two Damping parameters allow a simulation of this effect. Note that the varying decay only
applies to the delayed notes, not to the initial one. See also the Damping parameters in the
Reverb processor.
Left-Right Ratio
Displayed as: LR Ratio
Initial value: 1/1
Range of adjustment: 1/1, 4/3, 3/4, 3/2, 2/3, 2/1, 1/2, 3/1, 1/3, 4/1, 1/4
The value of this parameter is a ratio, and determines how each delayed note is distributed
between the left and right outputs. Setting LR Ratio to the default 1/1 value places all
echoes centrally in the stereo image. With other values, echoes are alternated between left
and right at simple ratios of the delay time.
Delay Slew Rate
Displayed as: SlewRate
Initial value: 32
Range of adjustment: 0 to 127
The value of SlewRate affects the nature of the sound while the Delay Time is being
varied. Varying delay time produces pitch-shifting. With Slew Rate set to the maximum
value (127), almost no pitch-shift effects will be heard as the Time control
is adjusted.
With lower values, the pitch-shift effects become more evident. As the purpose of varying
delay time in performance is generally to produce pitch shift artefacts, a medium value is
usually desirable.
Displayed as: Width
Initial value: 127
Range of adjustment: 0 to 127
The Width parameter is only really relevant to settings of LR Ratio which result in
the echoes being split across the stereo image. With its default value of 127, any stereo
placement of delayed signals will be fully left and fully right. Decreasing the value of
Width reduces the width of the stereo image and panned echoes tend towards the centre
Reverb pages:
PreDelay 40 h
LP Damp 50
HP Damp 1
RevSize 64 h
ModDepth 64
ModRate 4
LoPass 75 h
HiPass 0
Displayed as: PreDelay
Initial value: 40
Range of adjustment: 1 to 127
In a very large space, the first reflections making up the reverberation are not heard
immediately. PreDelay controls how soon after the start of the initial note the
reverberation begins, and thus allows a more accurate simulation of a real space to be
created. With PreDelay set to its maximum value (127), the first reflections are delayed
by approximately half a second.
Displayed as: LP Damp HP Damp
Initial values: 50 and 1
Range of adjustment: 0 to 127 0 to 127
These two parameters perform the same function for the reverb processor as the
corresponding ones in the Delay processor, in that they simulate the effect of frequency-
dependent absorption coefficients of different surfaces.
Displayed as: RevSize
Initial value: 64
Range of adjustment: 1 to 127
The RevSize parameter alters the reverberation character: larger values introduce
additional and more prominent reflections, simulating the effect of a larger physical space.
Note that the Type button
sets RevSize to 0, 64 or 127, so the menu option allows
finer adjustment between these values.
Reverb Modulation
Displayed as: ModDepth ModRate
Initial values: 64 and 4
Range of adjustment: 0 to 127 0 to 127
The reverb processor includes a dedicated modulation source, which can be used to
continuously vary the reverb time (set with the Time control
). Two parameters are
provided: ModDepth, which controls the degree of modulation and ModRate, which
controls the modulation rate.