Full Product Manual

More quesons? Feel free to
contact our technical support
team anyme. More info is also
available at our website.
Novatto I P: 844.404.4242
May I use a drain or
mounting ring from
another vendor?
Yes, drains and mounng rings
from other manufacturers will
be compable with our glass
vessel sinks.
How durable is Novattos
high tempered glass?
Tempered glass is a glass processed
by controlled thermal or chemical
treatments to increase its strength
compared to normal glass. Our in
house tesng has found them to be
very durable and forgiving. Normal
items such as toothbrushes, small
jewelry etc., will not break a
Novao glass sink. High tempered
glass is regarded as safe glass,
meaning if it breaks it will
disintegrate into small blunt pieces.
Do these glass vessel
sinks have overflows?
No, none of our glass vessel sinks
have overow holes.
Is there a template available
for the glass sinks?
Yes, they may be obtained o our
website at NovaoInc.com. We always
recommend using the actual sink for
desired placement before making any
cuts in the counter.
What is the best way to care
for my Novatto glass vessel?
Ulmately, the best way to care and
keep your sink like new is to protect it
with Glacier Ice. This nanotechnology
will prevent any oxidaon or hard water
spots on the sink and faucet. For every-
day cleaning simply use a so cloth,
soap and warm water.
Is the drain or
mounting ring included
with my purchase?
It may be, we oer our sinks in-
dividually or as a combo. Double
check your purchase for details.
We recommend using a pop-up
drain and mounng ring with our
glass vessel sinks.