User Manual

2. Click RAID & File System / Auto Backup Management.
3. Click the Backup Server tab.
4. Set up the FTP server and create a folder for backup files. The folder format
is “FolderName, “FolderName/SubFolderName”, and so on.
For example: AutoBackup/NVR
5. After setting up all the information, click the Test FTP button and the
system will create a folder to FTP. Check it after testing. In this case, the
route of the tested file will be:
6. Click the Save button.
Make sure the FTP account with privileges of administrator who is able to upload,
rewrite, delete files, and create new folder. Besides, make sure the FTP server has
enough space for auto backup.
To avoid the failure of auto backup, please check the normality of FTP server regularly