
ADC1015S_SER All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2010. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 2 — 20 December 2010 27 of 42
NXP Semiconductors
ADC1015S series
Single 10-bit ADC; input buffer; CMOS or LVDS DDR digital outputs
11.5.3 DAta Valid (DAV) output clock
A data valid output clock signal (DAV) is provided that can be used to capture the data
delivered by the ADC1015S. Detailed timing diagrams for CMOS and LVDS DDR modes
are provided in Figure 4
and Figure 5 respectively.
11.5.4 Out-of-Range (OTR)
An out-of-range signal is provided on pin OTR. The latency of OTR is fourteen clock
cycles. The OTR response can be speeded up by enabling Fast OTR
(bit FASTOTR = logic 1; see Table 29
). In this mode, the latency of OTR is reduced to only
four clock cycles. The Fast OTR detection threshold (below full-scale) can be
programmed via bits FASTOTR_DET[2:0].
11.5.5 Digital offset
By default, the ADC1015S delivers output code that corresponds to the analog input.
However it is possible to add a digital offset to the output code via the SPI (bits
DIG_OFFSET[5:0]; see Table 25
11.5.6 Test patterns
For test purposes, the ADC1015S can be configured to transmit one of a number of
predefined test patterns (via bits TESTPAT_SEL[2:0]; see Table 26
). A custom test pattern
can be defined by the user (TESTPAT_USER; see Table 27
and Table 28) and is selected
when TESTPAT_SEL[2:0] = 101. The selected test pattern is transmitted regardless of the
analog input.
101 100
110 81
111 60
Table 13. LVDS DDR output register 2
LVDS_INT_TER[2:0] Resistor value ()
Table 14. Fast OTR register
FASTOTR_DET[2:0] Detection level (dB)
000 20.56
001 16.12
010 11.02
011 7.82
100 5.49
101 3.66
110 2.14
111 0.86