Installation & Assembly

3 | P a g e
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
Pasting the Wall
Any basic wallpaper paste will be suitable as long as they adhere to non-woven material. These
adhesives contain a fungicide that is necessary for vinyl and scrub-able wall coverings. Read the
instrucons of the paste carefully, especially when mixing, to ensure the correct consistency.
Pasng the wall is a quicker, easier process than the tradional pasng the paper method, cung
n me in almost half! Do not paste the whole wall at a me, simply paste one secon of the
wall at a me, apply the drops of wall paper and carry on. The beauty of paste the wall vs. the tradional
method is it is easy to re adjust your drop of paper if it doesn’t seem quite right!
Starting o Straight
Few walls are truly square or perfectly vercal. To avoid your paern going askew in the midst of your
hanging process, always reference a vercal line made with a level or your plumb line.
You normally start hanging in the most i
nconspicuous corner (behind a door or a dark corner near the
back of the room.) Do not hand directly on the leveled or plumb line mark; hang parallel to it, but about
¼” short of the line, allowing the excess ¼” wrap around the corner and onto the adjoining wall (See
Figure 4, see also, how to deal with corners.) Smooth your wallpaper starng at the line edge and
moving towards the corner.
Figure 4
How’s it Hanging?
Once you have applied your paste to the wall it’s me to start hanging your paper. As explained above,
ou generally want to start in the least noceable corner. Unless you are doing a focal point or feature
wall and want to center the paern. Make sure you know which end of the wallpaper is designated for
the top (you marked it on the back during the cung process).
Holding the top of your drop, lightly sck it to the top of your wall, allowing for 1-2” on top for cutng
wastage. Fit your piece exactly into posion based on the leveled or plumb line you made.
These wallpapers are non-woven backings, making installaon a breeze. Non-woven papers mean you
apply the paste to the wall, not the paper itself.