Instructions / Assembly

Lighting Instructions
There are a few methods to light your charcoal grill, depending on the materials you prefer to use.
Using a charcoal chimney is the Char-Griller
preferred method for speed and convenience but igniting
your lump charcoal or briquettes directly in the grill is a great way to get cooking as well.
Do not use lighter uid, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol or other accelerant for lighting charcoal due to
ammability, risk of bodily injury and potential to leave a distasteful avor in your food.
If necessary, use tongs to move coals for even heat.
Always wear gloves when handling grill grates, chacoal grate, or adjusting coals.
Charcoal Chimney
1. Remove your grill grates and set them to side
2. Fill your charcoal chimney ¾ of the way full with
briquettes or lump charcoal
3. Set re starter on charcoal grate, light and then
place the charcoal chimney directly on top of the
re starter
4. Coals will re upward from bottom to top
5. After coals on top of chimney are ignited (usually
10-15 minutes) dump the coals over the charcoal
grate and replace your grill grates
Fire Starters
1. Remove your grill grates and set them to side
2. Pour approximately 3lbs (approx. 50-60 briquettes)
of charcoal directly on to your charcoal grate and
stack together in a pile
3. Insert re starter into the middle of the charcoal pile
so that it is slightly covered and light
4. After the charcoal has thoroughly ignited, typically
glowing red or gray in color, use tongs to spread
them out and replace your grill grates