Operating instructions

50 g (9 oz) plain flour
10 ml (2 tsp) bicarbonate of soda
10 ml (2 tsp) baking powder
10 ml (2 tsp) cinnamon
10 ml (2 tsp) nutmeg
250 g (9 oz) dark brown sugar
225 ml (8 fl.oz) vegetable oil
3 eggs, beaten
350 g (12 oz) carrots, grated
75 g (3 oz) sultanas
Cream Cheese Topping:
75 g (3 oz) butter
100 g (4 oz) cream cheese
225 g (8 oz) icing sugar
Carrot Cake *
Dish: 23 cm (9") round tin, base lined Oven Accessory: glass turntable + metal tray
1. Sieve the flour, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder into a bowl with the cinnamon and
2. Mix in the brown sugar and make a well in the centre.
3. Add the oil and beaten eggs. Beat well until all the ingredients are combined. Stir in the
grated carrot and sultanas, spoon into the prepared cake tin and cook on Combination:
CONVECTION 160°C + WARM power for 40 mins. or until cooked and well risen. Allow to
cool in the tin.
4. Cream the butter and cream cheese until smooth. Stir in sieved icing sugar.
5. Decorate the cooled cake with the cream cheese topping.
175 g (6 oz) margarine
175 g (6 oz) brown sugar
3 eggs
150 g (5 oz) wholemeal self raising flour
100 g (4 oz) self raising flour
Almond essence
450 g (1 lb) cooking apples whole weight then
peeled, cored and thinly sliced
Juice of
a lemon
25 g (1 oz) brown sugar
2 ml (
tsp) nutmeg
3 ml (
tsp) cinnamon
Slivered almonds
Spicy Apple Cake * Serves 10-12
Dish: 20 cm (8") round cake tin, lined Oven Accessory: glass turntable + metal tray
1. Cream together margarine and sugar until light and fluffy, gradually add the beaten eggs.
2. Fold in the flours and a few drops of almond essence.
3. In a separate bowl combine apple slices, lemon juice, sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon. Mix
4. Place
rds of cake mixture into prepared tin. Arrange the drained apple mixture on top,
leaving a space around the edge. Top with remaining cake mixture, sprinkle with almonds
and cook on Combination: CONVECTION 160˚C + WARM power for 45-50 minutes or
until cooked.
1 banana, large
3 ml (
tsp) vanilla flavouring
75 g (3 oz) butter
100 g (4 oz) granulated sugar
150 g (5 oz) self-raising flour
3 ml (
tsp) salt
ml (
tsp) bicarbonate of soda
2 eggs
Banana Cake *
Dish: 18 cm (7") cake tin, lined with greaseproof paper
Oven Accessory: glass turntable + metal tray
1. Peel the banana and mash until smooth with the vanilla flavouring.
2. Place the butter and sugar in a bowl and melt on HIGH power for 1 minute, or until soft.
3. Stir in the flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda. Beat in the eggs and mashed banana.
4. Spoon into the prepared cake tin and cook on Combination: CONVECTION 160°C +
WARM power for 20 minutes, or until cooked.