Service manual

Circuit Descriptions and Abbreviation List
Index of this chapter:
1. Introduction.
2. Block diagram.
3. Power Supply.
4. Control and Teletext.
5. Tuner and IF.
6. Video: HD Jack Interface (AV4, 1080i/480p).
7. Video: High-end Input Processor (HIP).
8. Video: Feature Box (FBX).
9. Video: High-end Output Processor (HOP).
10. Video: 3D-Comb filter.
11. Synchronization.
12. Horizontal Deflection.
13. Vertical Deflection.
14. Audio.
15. CRT and SCAVEM.
16. Double Window (DW).
The EM1.1U is a lower specified EMG-chassis. The global name of the set is EM1U.
EM stands for Eco-MG, 1 for the used processor (Painter) and U stands for USA. It is
similar to N8 chassis. Therefore in this chapter if N8 is mentioned, it is also applicable
for EM1.1U.