Local Recipe Booklet

~ 200 克细鸡蛋面条
100 克碎猪肉或牛肉
1 汤匙花生油
2 瓣大蒜,切碎
1 茶匙生姜,切碎
30 克白卷心菜,切成薄片
2 棵青葱(或使用韭菜),切碎
1 个红辣椒,切碎
1 汤匙中国黄酒 茶匙盐或用盐调味
50 毫升鸡汤料
2 汤匙酱油
½ 汤匙芝麻酱或芝麻糊
2 茶匙芝麻油
1 茶匙糖
1 汤匙黑米醋
½ 茶匙四川辣椒粉
1 将一大锅盐水煮沸。
2 对于酱汁:将原料放在一起搅拌均匀,然后放在一旁备用。
3 将炒锅或煎锅在中高火上加热。热油。加入大蒜、生姜、
葱白和卷心菜。烹制 1 分钟左右,直至炒出香气。加入肉,
4 同时,用沸水煮面条。沥干水分,在冷水下短暂地涮一下以
5 把酱倒在面条上,与肉一起食用,上面撒上切碎的葱绿和花
建议: 您可以用香醋代替黑醋、用干雪莉酒代替中国黄酒、用白胡椒代
Dan dan noodles
Fresh pasta
~ 200 g (0.45 lb) thin egg noodles
Meat mixture
100 g (3½ oz) pork or beef, ground
1 tbsp peanut oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp ginger, minced
30 g (1 oz) white cabbage, thinly sliced
2 scallions (or use leek), chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1 tbsp Chinese rice wine
½ tsp salt, or salt to taste
optional: roasted peanuts, crushed
50 ml (3 tbsp + 1 tsp) chicken stock
2 tbsp soy sauce
½ tbsp sesame paste or tahini
2 tsp sesame oil
chili oil to taste
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp black rice vinegar
½ tsp Sichuan pepper, ground
1 Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil.
2 For the sauce: whisk together the ingredients. Set aside.
3 Heat a wok or skillet over medium-high heat. Heat oil. Add garlic,
ginger, white parts of the scallions and cabbage. Cook until fragrant,
about 1 minute. Add the meat and stir-fry until crispy and brown.
Add rice wine to deglaze the pan. Season.
4 Meanwhile, boil the noodles, drain, rinse shortly under cold water
to stop the cooking process, but stay warm. Drain and transfer to
a serving dish.
5 Pour the sauce over the noodles and serve with the meat, topped
with the chopped scallion greens and optional peanuts.
You can use balsamic vinegar instead of black vinegar, dry sherry instead of Chinese
rice wine, and white pepper instead of Sichuan pepper.