Local Recipe Booklet

Spinach penne with
calamaretti and scampi
Fresh pasta
~ 200 g (0.45 lb) spinach penne
Calamaretti and scampi
2 – 3 tbsp olive oil
3 scampi, in their shells, deheaded
6 calamari, cleaned and gutted
Juice of one lemon
1 pinch sea salt, freshly ground pepper
1 sprig of basil
1 Fry the olive oil with garlic in a pan.
2 Add the scampi and fry for about a minute.
3 Now add the calamaretti and fry for another two minutes.
4 Add the lemon juice to the scampi and calamaretti and simmer
for about two minutes.
5 Add sea salt to the sauce to taste and mix in basil.
~ 200 克菠菜通心粉
2 - 3 汤匙橄榄油
3 个虾,带壳,去头
6 个鱿鱼,清洗干净,取出内脏
1 小撮海盐,鲜胡椒粉
1 片罗勒
1 在平底锅中放入橄榄油和蒜,干煸。
2 放入虾,煎炸约一分钟。
3 然后放入鱿鱼,煎炸两分钟。
4 在虾和鱿鱼上加入柠檬汁,文火烹煮约两分钟。
5 在酱料中加入海盐调味,放入罗勒搅拌。