
Grown Up Cup
Country of origin
Development stages
Stage: 12 months +
Logistic data
Packaging size - EU version: 114mm(L) x
85mm(W) x 177mm(H) mm
Packaging size - US version: 114mm(L) x
85mm(W) x 162mm(H) mm
What is included
Container: 1 pcs
Screw ring with handle: 1 pcs
Valve system (3 parts): 1 set
User manual: 1 pcs
* 77% of surveyed pediatric dentists agree that this cup
allows healthy oral development (independent online
research, USA, April 2016)
* 72% of surveyed pediatric dentists would recommend the
lip-activated technology(independent online research,
USA, April 2016)
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Issue date 20201218
Version: 6.0.1
EAN: 00 07502 00374 73