Operation Manual

Inspecting the injector hydraulics
To carry out the injector check, remove the intake
manifold by removing the three clamping screws
at the head and the clip connecting the control unit
to the manifold.
Install the appropriate tool for checking fuel pres-
sure and position the manifold over a container
graduated by at least 100 cm³. Connect the injec-
tor with the cable making up part of the supply for
the injection tester. Connect the clamps of the ca-
ble to an auxiliary battery. Activate the fuel pump
with the active diagnosis. Check that, in fifteen
seconds, approximately 40 cc of fuel is dispensed
with a regulation pressure of approximately 2.5
Specific tooling
020480Y Petrol pressure check set
Proceed with the injector seal test.
Dry the injector outlet with a blast of compressed
air. Activate the fuel pump. Wait for one minute,
making sure there are no leaks coming from the
injector. Slight oozing is normal.
Value limit = 1 drop per minute
Injection MP3 250 i.e.
INJEC - 28