Operation Manual

132 Pinnacle Studio 9
Apply to new clips: This option is handy when you
want to set up the same chroma key settings for a
number of different clips. As long the option is checked,
chroma key will automatically be applied to each new
clip that you drag onto the overlay track, using the
same settings that were displayed the last time the tool
was open.
The chroma key effect interface
If you prefer to enter your chroma key parameter
settings numerically rather than graphically, you can
turn to an alternative interface provided by the Video
effects tool. You can also combine the two methods,
using the chroma key tool’s graphical interface to
specify the initial settings, then fine tuning them with
the numerical effect parameters.
The Chroma key effect is found in the Overlay Effects
group. The available parameter settings are almost
identical to those offered by the chroma key tool, but
provides one more option, Invert Key. When this option
is activated, the normally opaque parts of the key are
treated as transparent, and the transparent parts as
opaque, so that the underlying video shows through
only where the foreground object in the overlay video
is not.
Parameter settings for the Chroma key effect.