Operation Manual

Chapter 9: Disc menus 173
control to select the menu button you want to work on.
The selected button is highlighted in the preview area.
You can also select a button by clicking on it in the
preview area.
Button caption text field: Edit the text
for the current button without going to
the Title Editor. The “#” character in button captions
has a special meaning: Studio replaces it with the
button’s sequence number. Use this feature to ensure
that your buttons are correctly numbered regardless of
changes in the layout of the menu. To edit other
characteristics of a button caption – its position, font,
and styling – click the Edit menu button to invoke the
Title Editor.
Set thumbnail button: By default, the
thumbnail frame displayed on a menu button is
the frame to which the button links. You can choose
any frame in your movie to be the thumbnail, however.
Just move the Timeline scrubber to the exact frame you
want (as shown in the Player), and click the set
thumbnail button.
Moving thumbnails checkbox: Check this
option if you would like your menu’s
buttons to show moving video from their target
chapters rather than a static thumbnail frame.
Because this feature requires that the moving
thumbnails be pre-rendered, the results won’t
appear immediately when you preview your
movie in the Player. Instead you will see a
“background rendering” progress bar appear
in the Timescale over the menu clip. The bar
gradually changes color as the rendering
operation progresses. Editing is not interrupted –
Studio carries out the rendering while you work.