Operation Manual

188 Pinnacle Studio 9
controls in the cluster, which govern the appearance of
individual characters, the options on this menu apply to
all the text in a given text box.
The three justification options – Left, Center and Right
– affect the placement of the text within its box (and
not the placement of the box itself within the Edit
Window, which is the function of the object
justification menu ).
Shrink to fit, Scale to fit, Word wrap on and Word wrap
off are options that determine how your text is treated
when you resize a text box. With Word wrap on, which
is the default for a new text box, resizing the box
results in the text being reformatted – word-wrapped –
to the new box width (while the resulting new height of
the text in turn governs the height of the box). Word
wrap off removes all “soft” line breaks (line breaks
added for word wrapping), then makes the box as wide
as necessary to contain the text. Word wrap mode is
automatically turned on again if you type further
characters into the text box.
With Scale to fit, the text is stretched during resizing to
follow both box dimensions. With Shrink to fit, the text
remains its original size unless the box is made smaller,
in which case the text is resized as in Scale to fit.
Neither to fit command changes the line divisions of
the text.
The font dropdown list and the font-size selector
complete the text-styling controls group.