Operation Manual

Chapter 11: Sound effects and music 197
Sound effects and music
Video may be thought of as primarily a visual medium,
but the role of sound in your movies is often no less
important than that of the images on the screen.
Feature film and television productions include
numerous types of audio, beginning with the dialog and
other sounds created during live action. In your movies,
that raw soundtrack is brought in along with the video
during Capture mode. It appears in the Movie Window
Timeline view on the original audio track below the
video track. In Studio Plus, original audio may also
appear on the overlay audio track.
Most commercial productions also require sound
effects – slamming doors, crashing cars, barking dogs,
etc. – and incidental music, which may consist of music
created especially for the production, songs taken from
recordings, or both. Voice-overs and other customized
audio are also often needed.
You can use all these types of add-on sound in your
own movies:
A good starter set of effects in wav format is
installed with Studio, and others are available from
many sources.