Operation Manual

290 Pinnacle Studio 9
Be sure to close all other programs before installing a
new version.
Adjust Studio settings: Choose No background
rendering in the Rendering dropdown list, and clear the
Use hardware acceleration checkbox. Both options are
found on the Edit options panel (see page 256).
End background tasks: Close other applications and
unload any background processes before using Studio.
In Windows 98 and Windows Millennium, manage
background processes by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete
to open the Task Manager. Close all the items on the
list except Systray and Explorer.
Under Windows 2000 and Windows XP, press
Ctrl+Alt+Delete to open the Task Manager. You
probably won’t see much under the Applications tab,
but the Processes tab will show you the software that
is currently running. Since it can be difficult to be
sure which processes should not be closed, software
utilities are available for Windows 2000 and XP that
can assist with this procedure.
Defragment your hard drive: Over time, the files on
your hard drive can become fragmented (stored in
multiple parts in different areas of the drive), which
slows down access and may lead to performance
problems. Use a disk defragmenter utility like the one
supplied with Windows to prevent or correct this
problem. Access the built-in defragmenter with the
Disk defragmenter command on your Programs ¾
Accessories ¾ System tools menu.
Update audio and video drivers: Make sure that you
have obtained the latest drivers for your sound and
video cards from their manufacturers’ web-sites. You