Operation Manual

Appendix C: Troubleshooting 293
uncommon format. If you have a wav or mp3 file that
seems to be problematic, convert the file to the other
format before importing the file. Many wav and mp3
files on the Internet are corrupt or non-standard..
Reinstall Windows: This is quite a drastic step, but if
the previous steps have not helped, Windows itself may
be corrupt. Even though your other applications may
appear to be running properly, the size of the video
files used in Studio may well tax your system to the
point that a latent instability is revealed.
Case 2: Clicking a tab or button crashes Studio
Please start by trying the steps given above for Case 1.
This kind of problem often means that Studio was not
installed properly or has become corrupt. Uninstalling
Studio, reinstalling it, and patching to the latest version
will generally solve the difficulty.
Otherwise, try creating a new project called
“test01.stu” to try to determine if the failure is specific
to a particular project. Open the demo video file and
drag the first few scenes onto the Timeline. Now click
on the tab or button that seems to cause the failure. If
this test project does not crash, it may be that the
problem is with the project you are working on rather
than with Studio or your system. If the test project does
fail, please contact our support staff and provide us
with the details on the exact failure mode. We will try
to recreate and solve the problem.
Case 3: Performing certain steps crashes Studio
This is just a more complicated version of Case 2, and
the same troubleshooting steps apply. Since it may be
quite difficult to determine the exact sequence of steps
that produces the failure, you will need to be