Operation Manual

Appendix D: Videography tips 315
Videography tips
To shoot good video, then create from it an interesting,
exciting or informative movie, is something anyone
with a little basic knowledge can achieve.
Starting from a rough script or shooting plan, the first
step is to shoot your raw video. Even at that stage, you
should be looking ahead to the editing phase by making
sure you will have a good set of shots to work from.
Editing a movie involves juggling all your fragments of
footage into some kind of harmonious whole. It means
deciding on the particular techniques, transitions and
effects that will best express your intent.
An important part of editing is the creation of a
soundtrack. The right sound – dialog, music,
commentary or effect – can work with the visuals to
create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.
Studio has the tools you need to create professional-
quality home video. The rest is up you – the