Operation Manual

Appendix E: Glossary 325
Multimedia terminology contains computer and video
terminology. The most important terms are defined
below. Cross-references are indicated by .
ActiveMovie: Software interface by Microsoft for the
control of multimedia devices under Windows.
DirectShow, DirectMedia
ADPCM: Acronym for Adaptive Delta Pulse Code
Modulation, a method of storing audio information in a
digital format. This is the audio encoding and
compression method used in CD-I and CD-ROM
Address: All available saving positions in a computer
are numbered (addressed). By means of these addresses
each saving position can be occupied. Some addresses
are reserved for the exclusive use of particular
hardware components. If two components are using the
same address, this is called an “address conflict”.
Aliasing: An inaccurate display of an image due to the
limitations of the output device. Typically, aliasing
appears in the form of jagged edges along curves and
angled shapes.
Anti-aliasing: A method of smoothing out jagged
edges in bitmap images. This is usually accomplished